Elvelangs i Kongsberg 2019

Elvelangs i Kongsberg Photo©3600.no Nettmagasinett (Elvelangs 2018)

Elvelangs i Kongsberg Photo©3600.no Nettmagasinett (Elvelangs 2018)


Elvelangs Kongsberg was the idea of local resident, Cathrine Kvitnes, in 2017 (https://3600.no/de-vil-sette-kongsberg-pa-elvelangskartet/) and developed in collaboration with Tassy. The concept was to celebrate the beauty of river and natural landscape in the centre of Kongsberg using only the passions and homegrown talents of the local community through the creative arts, sports and technology.   The idea of an ‘animated and illuminated’ autumn walk around a city river is not entirely new, Oslo has hosted such an event since 2000.  Cathrine and Tassy thought this tried and tested format could offer Kongsberg a perfect framework on which to demonstrate all the fantastic activities alive in the city and to gather them around the river and the waterfall. Illuminating the beauty of the river and the darkness of approaching winter with creativity, fun and light. Joined by local creative people and supported by local clubs and organisations the first event in 2018 hoped to encourage around 200 local people to talk a candlelit walk together around the river and over its bridges. On the night over 3000 local townspeople attended and over 25 local groups took part.  Artists, dancers, poets, singers, musicians all brought light, colour and creativity to the river banks for 3 hours. Thanks to 3600 Nettmagasinett for this lovely video.  Bringing together the force of nature of the river and the power and energy of the cultural spirit of the town. In 2019 the event ran again with over 45 creative installations and performances all along the riverside and over 3500 local people attending. 2020 was cancelled due to Covid but the team remains excited and determined to make this eco-festival of creativity, walking, light and community an annual tradition in the Kongsberg calendar. https://www.facebook.com/Elvelangskongsberg

Lågen Arbeidstjenester - Elvelangs Kongsberg 2019 Photo©TassyThompson

Lågen Arbeidstjenester - Elvelangs Kongsberg 2019 Photo©TassyThompson


The purpose was the bring local people together for a free and non-commercial celebration, to make visible the richness of the cultural and the depth of community feeling in the town as well as to bring the human community close to the nature at its heart.  It is a community based, locally situated, homemade eco-art event uniquely shaped by both the nature and people of Kongsberg to strengthen the connections between the Lågen and the Kongsberg people. The project started with a trial event in 2018 and returned in 2019 , with even more local groups participating and with even more people joining the river walk. Elvelangs is entirely created by local people for local people.  The team has grown from 2 to 4 and the participating artists are now over 40 different creative groups.

tassy thompson